SHOCKING! Girl Pees On US Flag on Holy July 4th!

Yesterday I wrote, "Happy In Dependence Day: A Day To Celebrate Living in a Brainwashed Slave Cult."

In it I discussed how most Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult that worships false idols such as the flag.

As I was doing that, Emily Lance was peeing on the flag on Facebook. And it got more than 1 million views and came with dozens, if not hundreds, of death threats.

There is even a bounty on her head on Craigslist for $3,000 and her father, who is a statist, has been targeted at his workplace.

If this doesn't prove my point that Americans are brainwashed slaves in a cult nothing does.

If someone peeing on any piece of cloth makes you erupt in violent anger that is because you've been brainwashed.

In this video I discuss what happened and how to deal with living amongst brainwashed slaves.

I mention in the video that no matter what was printed on a piece of cloth, if someone peed on it, it would not upset me.

If seeing this video of a girl peeing on a piece of cloth with colors on it made in China upsets you, you may be brainwashed. Seek help immediately.

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