Everything We've Been Told Is A Lie... And Why It Is Great To Realize It!

What if everything you've been told is a lie?

It's not hypothetical. It's true.

Virtually everything about history. The universe. The Earth. Health. Food. Money. Government. All lies.

Many people avoid learning the truth at all costs. I don't understand why?

Maybe this line from Jack Nicholson was saying a lot more than it was in the movie!

It's true, to an extent. I didn't even go very far down the rabbit hole of what I've been discovering as most people... can't handle the truth!

To me the truth sets us free. So, I clamor for the truth. I yearn to discover it. And everytime I find out I've been lied to, instead of feeling bad, I feel excited. I feel exhilarated.

I knew there was something seriously wrong with this world. And discovering the lies makes me feel justified in my instincts.

In today's "walk n' talk" with the especially unruly anarchist dogs I discuss how virtually everything that people believe to be true is a lie.

The questions is... do you really want to know the truth? Or do you want to live in ignorance out of fear?

The choice, to me, is easy. For many, though, it is more difficult.

If you don't want to know the truth, don't watch today's video.

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