Don't let someone's negativity ruin the flow of your day.

Today I had a lunch appointment with someone I haven't seen in a few months.

I really enjoy spending time with this person but I don't always get the opportunity to see them.

The last time we got together they wanted to tell me about this exhibit that was happening a few towns over.

That's a couple of hours away.


The exhibit happened to coincide with a day when I get off work in the late afternoon. Technically, I could have made the drive and arrived just on time. However, it is very hot right now and since I have no interest in talking about any of the things that the exhibit is about I can't see a reason to go.

We were supposed to meet at a local pizza shop at 2:00 this afternoon.

I was feeling really good about everything and I was excited to see my friend.

Since I had never been to this pizza shop I arrived at 1:50 and stood outside the entrance. At 2:24 I was just about to leave when my friend pulled up.

Since I was wearing my work outfit it was extremely hot.

I asked if they had any problem finding the place but I was told that there was no problem.

"It's just that I've been standing out here for kind of a long time in this extremely blazing sun." I said.

"You should have gone inside and got yourself a nice glass of cool water. It's much smarter to go ahead and eat then it is to wait for your partner." they replied.

I wasn't really sure what to say for a moment but finally I replied with....

"Well you could have been on time."

I know.

It sounds a bit rude but you have to understand that I've been standing in the heat for something like 30 minutes with a long outfit on.

As soon as we sat down, this person begin talking about the exhibit again.

I told them that I'm sure the exhibit would be fun but that I won't be attending it because it's too far and not something that I would actually enjoy.

They insisted that I would enjoy it and that I should definitely go.... to which I replied that I'm not going because it's too far and it's just not something that I want to do.

I was surprised to see that they would not let up on it.

They ended up standing up, yelling at me, and then storming out. I thought we were just going to have a nice lunch. I thought they just wanted to get together and see me but I'm now I'm wondering if there was some kind of hidden agenda going on.

So I sat there staring at my food which arrived just as they were leaving.

What the heck?

I still have a lot of things to do today so I ate my food, got in my car, and headed home. I'm frustrated to be honest. I don't understand what happened. I made it clear last time that I did not want to go, but they kept bringing it up.

I had actually forgotten about it and I certainly did not think it would be one of the topics for today's meeting.

My day is heading in a certain direction and I need to allow it to head in that direction. I can't be caught in this negative bubble. I'm really not sure what caused the incident but I can guarantee that I was not a part of the problem. I simply sat there and was calm, cool, and collected while my other party blew things up and then ran out.

I guess things go like that sometimes but you can't let it get to you.

It's important to always remember that no matter what happens....

Don't let someone's negativity ruin the flow of your day.

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