Racism and White People: A Never-Ending Dialogue Most People Get Wrong

I really believe CNN and Fox News try to bait the American public and the world into a race war. They take tiny incidences and try to blow them up to appease their relative audience. This is a continuation of my random blog series where I blog about important issues that have been on my mind. And today the issue is Racism and white people.


Every now and then I hop on CNN to see if I missed an important event like another mass shooting or landing on Mars. Regardless of what is going on, I notice that they always have a headline about a racist incident on their website.

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Yesterday headliner was about African American graduates being rushed off stage during graduation. But my issue with this story is that it was already dealt with on a local level. The university already issued an apology. If they would have defended their actions then maybe take the news nationally. I feel like they are trying to milk the anger and frustration a lot of black people like myself have felt ever since Trevon Martin's verdict and other senseless shootings. While all those events are tragic and our relationship with the police hasn't always been a positive one, not every white person is racist. I would go as far as to say, racist white people are a slim minority in the U.S. Just as Kayne West doesn't represent black people, Donald Trump doesn't represent white people either.


Sure, I've met my share of not-so-friendly white people. But guess what? I've also met my share of not-so-friendly black people. People are people and we need to start judging people as individuals and not painting everyone with the same brush. But that is what our media want us to do. That's why I also hate Fox news. Megan Kelly and Bill O'Reilly piss me off with some of the stupid stuff they say. Mrs. Kelly debated once how Santa Clause and Jesus were white. I could care less about Santa Clause, but as far as Jesus I thought he was a dark skin Jewish. Either way, as long as I'm saved. But I will give her that one because the Bible says when John saw Jesus, he was white as snow. Someday I will be too with my resurrected body.


I don't know what brand of Christianity they're sipping but they come off like bigots. However, they probably get good ratings because they're controversial. Everybody is just trying to get paid. But that doesn't make it right.

But does that mean all white people are racist? Check out this 55-second presentation clip from a black woman name Ashleigh Shackelford.

That video had me cracking up. This girl is on something. I think she needs to meet and read more about white people. I don't think she's ever heard of John Brown.


John Brown is kind of like the white Nate Turner. John Brown was an abolitionist. He once said other abolitionists were all talk. So he got his rifle, created a militia, and raided the federal armory at Harpers Ferry, West Virginia. I believe he and his sons died for the cause. Now that's gangsta. And then there were William Garrison, Elizabeth Stanton, and so many more forgotten heroes. When we unite, we can do anything as a human race.


But the powers that be want to keep us divided. I don't think the past should be forgotten, but if remembered, let's remember it in its entirety. It's important to stay level-headed and not let the media do the thinking for you, whether it's Fox News or CNN.

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