The Start of Satisfying Yourself is to True and Deep Love of Self


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I already share from my previous post that me and my friends went to a book sale and brought a book.

I got interest book written by John Powell the book titled was “The Secret of Staying in Love.” I admit that first I read the books title— it’s kinda cheesy but when I open the content, I was hooked . It’s about relationship about the people around you. How you will interact the situation and lot of things.

So I want to share my reflection and put some details from the book so that I can inspire you like how it inspired me for being one of human being. I hope it might help you.

As I human being, we had the fundamental of human needs. (For this chapter— we will talk about the true and deep love of self.) We are composite of body, mind and spirit, and has needs on all three levels of his existence.

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To have a true and deep love of self, a genuine and joy self-acceptance, an authentic self-resteem, you should put in your interior sense that : “It’s good to be me... I am very happy to be me!” Before making others happy, you should make yourself happy first. How can you feel satisfaction when you are pretending to be happy to others? Love yourself before loving others. That’s a greatest gift you can give to yourself.

Everything depends upon and flows from our openness to ourselves. When we lose the ability to appreciate ourselves and enjoy being ourselves, all sorts of dark and painful things rush in to fill the void.

I’ll put some of the important quote from different person it might help you to lead your way in loving yourself.

Bertrand Russell once said: “ A man cannot possibly be at peace with others until he has learned to be at peace with himself.”

Rabbi Joshua Liebman : “ Love and believe in yourself properly and you wil love and believe in your neighbor.”

A psychiatrist-spokesman from the New York said: “ If people had a healthy love of themselves instead of hating themselves and feeling bad, if only they would love the child in themselves instead of despising the weakness, our case load would be cut in half.”

To designed to help a person towards one thing: to help him adopt a kindly, positive and accepting attitude himself,— is to let the person to feel okay.

A psychiatrist at the Mental Health Clinic said:

“Our biggest job is to help patients find out what good about themselves. It never fails: as they begin to like themselves a little better, they begin simultaneously to get well.”

Another former director that describes the healthy love and acceptance of self.

“ ... feeling of dignity, of belonging, a feeling of worthwhileness, a feeling of adequacy. We must learn to regard ourselves with undestanding. I must learn to enjoy being myself. I would not want to be anyone else. I would want to be only myself.”

The beginning of all human growth and happiness is a deep understanding of and a serious effort to achieve of true love of self. Self acceptance is the essence of the moral problem and the epitome of a whole outlook upon life.

You should avoid to yourself to felt the self-doubt and self-hatred, they are common cancer that have badly ravaged humanity, distorting and destroying social relationships and trust to the people surrounds you.

While you the stand in your two feet. Love yourself and find the true happiness that you wanted. You can never get through to your desired destination. You will never be satisfied and still finding the pieces of the puzzle.

Start to pick the pieces by also picking yourself from the self-doubt and hatred. You must avoid that kind of sensation it might lead you to the dark way. Do you want to live by it? No, you shouldn’t.

Instead be satisfied and never compare yourself to others. We had a different way to go through. You had the wheels in your hand go the right direction and make the best journey in your life.

Yours Truly,

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