Walk, is perhaps one of the things that I most enjoy in this existence that I have, walk by places surrounded by trees, mountains, fresh air, nature.

Unfortunately I live in an industrialized zone which besides is poorly developed and at the same time without appropiate natural spaces where you can supply these kind of needs, however once in a while I have the opportunity to visit eccentric lands that for my luck are away from city. Sadly I couldn't make a registry of them all more than the pleasant memories I still have in my mind, which have helped me when this dystopian society is strangling me.

About 2 years ago, after finishing my college time for the day, I decided to do a bit of exploration around.

approximately 6 km from college

It was still early and I was in the mood so why not? I admit now that I write this entry I was a bit crazy but was curious, I wanted to explore and in the end I don't regret:


Once I saw those mountains I was like

As I was walking, I was amazed by so much green, so much quiescence! It was just me and all of that. I don't know for how long I did walk because I remember I did not even took my phone, I was lucky that had a camera with me. That's basically why I said was a bit crazy, because I had the camera with me and normally this city is not that safe. However I kept taking pics, I wanted to have them.


Here, I realized I was entering to Henri Pittier National Park, meaning I was quite far D:

As I kept walking and getting deeper and deeper of all that majestic nature, maybe 4 km more. I could notice an old structure, "Is it a house? Wonder if it's abandoned" I thought. Whatever the thruth was about that place, I was hoping they weren't dangerous people or like that cliche cabain where you are murdered.


In the end I wasn't alone after all and lucky me, they were nice people, they were amazed about the fact I walk all of that alone. They explained they worked for a company, taking care hectares of sugar cane.

I am not a talker, normally I escape from talking but I felt like I should, in the end I was in private property lol

Fortunately they weren't mad at me because I just explained them the reason I was there, I also showed them the pics I took


LOL! Before I took this last one, there were tons of birds and they just flew away after I stood there. I'm a human scarecrow

After that little talk, I thanked them again for allow me be there without calling the police or whatever. I also realized it was too late to return by walking, it would be too dark and i don't mind that but there was not electricity in the road, only at that old structure.

I am not that limitless :p so I decided to call my dad to pick me up.

The funny part is that my parents know I am this crazy so he did not ask too much, he did it when he arrived like:

What the heck were you doing there?


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