One END but another BEGINNING...


Yesterday was a day that marked the end of the last 11 years of my life. It was probably one of the most difficult days that I have ever had to walk my way through. The levels of intense, fluctuating emotions and shattered thoughts have been so massively overwhelming.

In 2007, I opened my design and print business, and today… at the beginning of our 12th year, we closed our doors. It was an exceptionally difficult thing to process, however - not unlike our natural fynbos in South Africa… it needed to be burnt in order to re-germinate once more – which I am hoping it will… not in my hands, but in the hands of two exceptionally capable, talented and passionate individuals. My time in the design and print industry is now over for good – I do not think I could travel that road again… it holds way too much memory now.



It is time for me to walk a new path...whatever that may be and wherever it may lead me...

There have been many tears as my team and I said goodbye to a company that had not only earned a completely flawless reputation for customer service and delivery, but was also very much a community staple. My team have become like family to me and our customers to us. We all knew everything about them, from their kid’s latest achievements through to their pet’s names. Gifts from customers of home-baked cakes and many other treats were a common occurrence in our shop front.



We have shared countless memories together as a team and with all our customers alike… For many, we were a home away from home, for others we were an office on the go. We were a place that offered everyone a few hours to feel GOOD during their day. We listened to plenty of music (mostly my old fashioned choices featuring Elvis and the like... and often loathed by my team haha), we laughed, we moaned, we grrrrr'd, we hustled, we did it all! But mostly, we made a difference in the community and I believe we will be sorely missed by many.

Businesses like this simply don’t exist anymore…and sadly now, neither does mine.



I would like to take a moment in this post, to say thank you to my team for the endless years they have thrown into working with me to build something truly unique and beautiful! It may be over, but that does not make what we built and achieved any less amazing or worthy of praise, acknowledgement and thanks!

You guys are amazing – you gave it your all EVERY SINGLE DAY – completely unwavering... and the communities adoration and frequent verbal expression of this is a TRUE TESTAMENT to what phenomenal individuals you are! We are ALL going to do AMAZING things... KNOW THAT!!!

I love you both with all my heart, I truly do! Thank you for absolutely EVERYTHING you have given of yourselves! It will never be forgotten – and neither will you… in fact… I think a dinner is in order ;)



The swallowing process of acceptance is not easy when you have thrown your blood, sweat and tears into something for such a large chunk of your life. Time for processing, appreciation and a little nostalgia are necessary in order to move forward… but move forward we must.

I am seldom one to harp on “disaster” or “negativity” – I will afford it time enough to do what it needs to do, and then it must go! - As it will not serve any further purpose (not constructively anyway). Looking forward is the only thing that matters now...



Like I always say… things don’t always unfold the way you envision it, but how that aspect of it is handled, is entirely up to you as a person… and despite the hurt that sits in my heart right now, I WILL focus FOWARD, positively!

Change doesn’t always present itself in pretty, neat little packages with ribbons… in fact more often than not – it can be rather messy – but this does not mean that it is not for the better – whether you are able to see that in the present moment or not.

So there it is!

One end and another beginning...


your doors may be closed, but what lay behind them will NEVER be forgotten! - Thank you for the journey :)

This was one of MANY, MANY inspirational quotes which floated around our premises, and I thought it only fitting to share it one last time...

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Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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