
By default, people are so damn impatient. They want it all - and they want it yesterday!

I deal with it every day in my business, as the print industry is exceptionally time sensitive. Nine times out of ten people do not plan their requirements adequately in advance, and therefore 99% of our production orders processed are “extremely urgent”.

However, this is NOT the kind of impatience that I am referring to...

I am talking about the impatience that people have with their lives, themselves and their circumstance. I understand that setting goals is an essential element to attaining success and that in certain respects you need to push yourself… but sometimes, you also need to just “trust the process of life”.

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"Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced." Soren Kierkegaard

Over the years, I have come to learn, to trust and believe that life will unfold precisely the way it is meant to. You will be led down all the necessary roads, shown all the right signs, taught all the required skills and introduced to all the right people – even the “wrong ones” are the right ones.

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Every step of the way, you are growing and developing a completely unique and one of a kind skillset (literally, emotionally and mentally). Every single encounter and bit of knowledge you gather along the way will be made use of when your life’s true intention starts to unfold.

"There is more to life than increasing its speed." Mahatma Gandhi

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A discussion that I had yesterday reminded me of this - My partner has on several occasions mentioned to me that he would like to get involved in organising events – he is somewhat of a visionary and never lets the size of a challenge detour him from believing that he can achieve it - so he hit the road running by mentioning some really big artists names that he wanted to pull in to SA.

Now as much as I can appreciate his aspirations, I felt that he was possibly going to be biting off a little more than he could chew, especially since he had no prior experience in this facet of the music or events industry, so my advice to him was that he start with smaller events so that he could develop an understanding for the logistics involved in such.

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I don’t think he really wanted to hear that, so to a degree, it fell on deaf ears and as time went on, he continued to express his original intentions.

He recently joined his High Schools “old boys committee” and was elected to handle all the events. I had a little giggle to myself yesterday as he was sitting opposite me at the table and was very clearly stressed about a particular event that he was busy putting together. I stopped his rambling and reminded him of what I had said to him several months back about the intricacy of events organisation and my opinion that he should start with something smaller.

Without him even realising it – this position and responsibility was received and the event he is currently busy with, IS a small one.

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Of course, I had to have my little moment of “I told you so” fame hehehe - as even at this “entry level” he was stressing.

But (and it’s a BIG BUT) - it is clearly preparing him for where he would ultimately like to be in terms of “his goal”. Life has gently started to steer him in the direction of his dreams in a manner which is manageable and attainable, all the while assisting him to develop the necessary skills, confidence and knowledge that he will need as he climbs that ladder.

Amazing isn’t it.

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I know I can testify to this in my own life as well. Every single job I have ever had, whether I enjoyed it or not has prepared and educated me to be equipped to run the business that I do – and to do it well.

Life does not only work like this when it comes to your career choices. It is active in every single facet. Relationships, friendships, hardships, challenges, and experiences – you name it! They are all leading you and shaping you into your best potential self.

"Life is a series of natural and spontaneous changes. Don't resist them--that only creates sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like." Lao Tzu

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You simply need to trust the process. Stop being so impatient with it and questioning it, becoming frustrated by it - because it is not delivering what you want, when you want it.

Just move WITH it and you will find that things begin to unfold and blossom a lot faster.

"All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make the better." Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Until next time...

Much love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

"People grow through experience if they meet life honestly and courageously. This is how character is built." Eleanor Roosevelt

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