Creating your "HAPPY SPACE"

Every now and again I get a bee in my bonnet and I simply HAVE to revamp my space… So a whole lot of rearranging occurs as well as clearing out and cleaning…now, much like your house has to be “literally” cleaned on a frequent basis, it also really needs to be energetically cleaned as well.

After a while, energy in certain spaces can build up a "residue" if you will, and the energy in that space becomes stagnant after a while - which can have several negative effects on the people who enter that space.

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There are countless ways to "renew" the energy in your home. One which I probably enjoy doing the most - and do at least every few months, is to rearrange the layout of a particular space…

Once you have taken the time to clear out and re-organise a certain space, you can ACTUALLY FEEL the renewed energy when you walk into that space! It is amazing! There are many other ways to clear out stale energy in a place, but my advice would be that you start with the "revamp" and then move on to some of the others…

Here are some of my other energetic space clearing tips...

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  • Be sure to dust the corners in rooms - The simple action of "wafting" the duster up and down breaks up the stagnant energetic build up - which is especially predominant in corners (high and low) and other hard to reach places like under beds, behind drawers etc.

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  • Clean your windows on a regular basis and add if you can, add some freshly squeezed lemon juice to the window cleaning mixture. When you clean your windows you allowing stale energy out and letting renewed energy in. In addition to the cleaning of windows, the simple act of opening your curtains and windows and allowing the fresh air and sunlight in works WONDERS!!

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  • Smudging is also incredibly effective for clearing negative energy from a certain space. (If you are not familiar... A smudge stick is essentially a bundle of dried herbs - most commonly sage - which have been tied together with string.) The smudge stick is then burnt in the preferred space. It is the actual smoke which permeates the room that does the "job"

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  • Bells and chimes are also fantastic tools for constantly clearing energy. I personally love the strings of little brass Indian bells as their sound is so delicate and beautiful. I hang strings of them on all our doors so every time you enter or exit they do their thing :)

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  • Sound, too is an amazing way of renewing the energy in a space. Particularly sounds of nature or classical music. The energy of the sound waves themselves are incredibly replenishing.

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  • This one is a real no brainer in my opinion- but it would just be wrong of me not to mention it... PLANTS, PLANTS, AND MORE PLANTS!!! Bringing nature into a room will forever transform the energy in that space!!!
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Well, that’s a wrap folks - those are some of the things that I do on a regular basis to keep my personal space feeling positively energised. I hope you find them useful :)

Until next time...

Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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