Valuable you!

I like to think each of us as a trophy.

Honestly, I think everyone is; it simply depends on whose hands you’re placed in or whose trophy cabinet you sit in. Like the Good Book says, “We are fearfully and wonderfully made”. It’s in our own rights to enjoy this unencumbered service rendered by our Creator.

Each one of us, here on earth, is priceless. We should cherish our very existence no matter the challenges life throws at us. No matter our age, race, size, strengths and weaknesses, we must know that God specially made us, hence, we are very valuable and deserve much love.

Literally, should I hand over a priceless, gleaming trophy to my little cousins in the village, they might mistake it for a chamber pot and do the unthinkable in it. They may even stand in awe of their freshly brewed cup of urine.

A trophy in my grandma’s possession might, well, be cleaned every day and kept on a shelf because to her, it may seem an important monument, especially if she received it from one of her children or children’s children.

On the other hand, when a trophy ends up in the possession of someone who knows its real value, it will definitely be treated as it is worth. One could even throw a party just to show it off to his/her friends with glee. Some may even keep it for eons; just for it to become a visual incentive for anyone who comes close to it.

Even a trophy in the hands of someone who did not work for it but still knows its value would be handled with much care.

Everyone is special!

If someone knows and appreciates your value, he/she would never mishandle or mistreat you. People who maul and handle you clumsily are simply ignorant about your true worth.

You are only naturally comfortable in the company of those who value you. For those who don’t, what are you waiting for? Do yourself a favor and take a moonwalk off the stage of their lives. You always deserve better.

You are valuable!

P.S. While we expect others to treat us well, can we make an effort to treat others well too? 😉

God bless you for reading.

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