The power of Modesty in Relationships


Truth be told, modesty and humility are almost always associated with good guys; but the myth is that girls are more drawn to bad boys. What's fascinating now is that studies have shown that women who sleep with a modest guy are 10 times more likely to be satisfied than when they sleep with someone who is pompous. Rolling your eyes already? Well hold on, by the end of this read you will definitely be looking at modest people differently.

People tend to confuse modesty with having low self-esteem, but the two are different in the sense that the former is about keeping it together, maintaining a sense of mystery, being humble and not looking down on others. Putting such a person in a relationship actually does wonders to the couple. Modesty has shown to strengthen the commitment between two people and yield even stronger bonds. When you have a very strong bond with someone, it becomes easier to understand them in bed and figure out what they like and what strikes that magic zone for them. This is why a modest person, simply put will keep you curious and surprise you when they reveal or do something unexpected.

Further studies have also shown that conversations held in a relationship with a person who has some modesty in them are generally deep and fulfilling. 150 women were interviewed, and 87% of them claimed that the most memorable conversations they had were with a humble and modest person. Most them said it was easier to open up and talk about more meaningful things like future plans and insecurities. In short, they described the relationship to be homey and comfortable enough for them to be their true self.

The same proves to be true from a guy's perspective. There is nothing more appealing than a classy lady

who dresses up well but still maintains that modest character around your friends and family; then boom she shows off big time in the bedroom! That is a wife right there and be assured no matter what problems might arise they will be resolved without too much hustle. Believe it or not, most men like to feel like they are the only ones their woman will ever dress sexy for, so if a lady keeps it beautiful and modest out there, then dress up for him at home, the result is a very satisfied man who will not wonder about.

In a nutshell, Modesty brings security in a relationship, is that not the most important thing when dating or getting married: feeling secure? The mystery that comes with modesty will also benefit relationships greatly, be it sexually, spiritually or morally.

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