200 Deep Questions to Ask : "What quote resonates with you more than any other?"

Hi everyone! I'm continuing the series of series of life topic which I find it exciting. The art of short-sweet questioning by Rania Naim on his 200 Deep Questions To Ask which I plan to continue up until I reached the 200th question. It will surely exercise my writing ability and at the same time improve my story telling. I found it a general topic to answer and I want to answer all of them from 200 to 1.

"What quote resonates with you more than any other?"

"A person who has never made a mistake has never tried something new - Albert Einstein"

I got stuck by this quote when I was a 2nd year Electronics Engineering student. I found this quote to a bowl of quotes our office has. I used to pick one quote per day and will try to absorb it to be applied on that day. Then I found this one "A person who has never made a mistake has never tried something new. It got me hard. It really got me hard.

I'm afraid to try new things because it is difficult to expect and predict the outcome. A person who doesn't make mistakes are doing things habitually, never tried of new things. Thus, the knowledge is stuck. Learning is a process of improving one's self and the chance of exploring other things. Since it is our first trial for the new things we are up to, it is a norm that sometimes we make mistakes or fail.

It is very important to have this kind of mentality and I'm thankful because it opened up the doors in my mind that in everything I do, I'll look on the positive side of everything. I'm merely excited to try more new things and embrace some mistakes and failures that will come.

I'm wishing to answer the 200 questions in 200 days. Meaning, I hope to post one question a day to finish it. I wish you'll read it too :) Thank you!

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