Should you be afraid to question reality?


What stops us from questioning?

  • Pressure to think in a certain way - forced education.
  • Some older people with old attitudes to change that do not question or are unaware of modern day advancements. Or are just completely ignorant or unable to change or unable to question or look further into detail due to being set in their ways.
  • The worry of how you will be treated by others for questioning the perceived norms.
  • Trusting media sources and not questioning the media sources that have their own corporate agendas to fulfil as their main priority.
  • Stigmas and name calling, belittlement and bullying behaviour including shaming.
  • Indoctrination - forced education.

Should we all seriously just accept that everything we are told is fact. Does everyone actually know what the difference is between fact or theory?

I think it's very apparent that the media lie on a regular basis and they have been caught doing this many times worldwide.

I also think it's very important to have a open mind and question everything. And encourage your fellow steemians of setting the trend for open minded people. Do not shut the door on people that have their own perceptions by being open minded you may actually learn something from them or they may learn something from you.

Sometimes you see a 9 and the other person sees a 6 dependant on perception but healthy discussion is best.

Everyone wins if we have open discussions!

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Much appreciated!

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