Skills that are rarely taught but are extremely useful!

1. How to cope with grief

 Going along with that it would be nice if other people could be taught how to properly deal with a person who is grieving.It would be nice if people knew that there isn’t a time limit for grief. Don’t tell a grieving person that it’s been x month or x years and they should get over it. It doesn’t work like that. 

2.  How to take criticism 

 My god I wouldn't be who I am today if my mentor didn`t do this.I do fuck ups he then comes to me later and explain how i fucked up.All this while never making me feel like shit for once. 

3. How to calm down:

 Anger management in general.  People do get dangerously angry... That was my toughest one to get control of in my teenage years..But I'm speaking more of a general inner calmness.. free from constant unconscious attacks of anxiety, jealousy, stress, irrational fears, sadness, etc. 

4. Managing relationships

 Judging from the decades-long high divorce rates, I think it's safe to say parents haven't done a good job at teaching this for several generations.

5. Day planning 

 You may not be able to build your dream day, but if you plan your day to be productive, manageable and fun? Well then you’re going to be much better off. 

6. Asking for help

 If you need it, it’s not weakness. It’s confidence and attempting to control your situation, which shows you’re not willingly going to let something beat you. Never be ashamed of seeking help.This goes for all kinds of things like drugs, depression, or debt management down to small stuff like learning how to parallel park. If you don’t know, or need assistance, ask! 

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