Redefining the Self


The safest option is sometimes the most dangerous to take.

You can become numb with contentment. Then, when the time of discontentment comes, you just keep finding justifying reasons as to why you should stay the course.

It is a scary thing to have freedom. Particularly, for a person who is used to combating the beuracracy daily.

Now, there is little to say "No" to.
I can do what I like to some extent.

I still have responsibilities and the myriad of tasks that must be done.
I've become more of a Mr. Mom, dropping the kids off, washing the clothes, cleaning the house - I am not yet a proficient cook - my tastes are way to bland for my kids as my missus is a very good cook.

Pace yourself

I had a list of pet peeves with the way I, and my family, live. I ignored much of it as I was gainfully employed.
My skills rested within the office environment and there was more than enough to do.
My home was my evening resting ground. Doing the "Dad" thing of straightening up the kids, taking in stock of their day, trying not to be too grumpy - as I found my happiness had been shrinking over the last couple of years.

Into the list of chores I had given myself. I had thought it was going to be a cinch - plough away and I would be bored within a week. Fast forward about a month and I am just making some headway into the list.

Quest for more

Now, me begins to look for other things to learn and develop. A handyman I am not, but I think I may be up to the task.
Researching and thinking of the most cost effective way to gain some skills.

If this keeps up, I don't think I will have the drive to be full time employed again.
I just need to gain enough $$$ for the expenses and some frivalties but the paradigm shift into earning less has added an "L" to become Learning to Live on Less. Oh, how we just wasted so much money on needless things.


(Hike at Werribee Gorge just out of Melbourne. )

Never Bored

Fortunately, I am never bored.

When I was 14 years old I complained to my mother that I was bored during one set of school holidays.

She scoffed at me, "How can you be bored? You have so many options."

And, "poof", my childish whine became an opportunity to change.


My lesson this week is Tempo.

"Enjoy the Journey" which again I need to slap myself silly sometimes.

So, yesterday, I just sat reading a book and pushing all the anxieties, lists etc to the side - it was my time to rest.

What a trick! Very soon I was enjoying myself, recharging, and then BANG!! my body and mind went back to getting some things done. Fruitful. Enjoyable. Fun!

Comfort Zone

The exposure to new elements is confronting and challenging.
Here's a little mapping thing someone put up on LinkedIn.


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