Delay is Not Denial


Has anybody ever noticed that when people need something desperately, especially from God, they become pleasant, quite religious and very very generous. They could have been monsters and unpleasant people to live with previously but when they need something from God, then they become perfect angels. However, let their request be denied or delayed, then the whole world faces their displeasure and they go back to being their regular selves and some even begin to feel resentful towards God.

What is a delay?


This is the state where something is postponed or occurs slower than usual. Basically, by the dictionary definition, it simply means that even though it might not happen as fast as you want it, you still get whatever it is at the end of the day. That's what most people don't understand when you ask for things from God. God doesn't really give you things at the moment you want it the most, he gives them to you when you need it the most. There are several situations that have occurred in my family that has proven this to me over and over again, but these are very personal things that I can't share.


Then you say, but I want it right now. Well suck it up. We don't always get what we want. Life isn't a bed of roses. Delays in getting answers to our prayers are pretty common, that's why patience is a virtue. You will still get what you want but if you don't rush it, it will happen exactly when need it too. Expect delays, it is a natural part of it. Don't take drastic measures because you want quick actions.

"Ask and you shall be given", the Bible states. It certainly didn't say that you shall be given immediately, so why exactly are you in a hurry?. I can get that some requests are genuinely urgent, but to be honest, if you don't get the answers you want from God, there's nothing you can do about it and you certainly can't beat him up.


Just close your eyes, pray for what you need and then trust that God will answer it.

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