I'm in love

Recently I got back from a trip to cape town which is partially why I've been so inactive. I do have to admit though there was a few good thing that came out of this trip.
Such as I got to see and visit my cousin whom I haven't seen in a really long time. I got to take so many photos, which is one of my passions. I'm absolutely 100% in love. I'm in love with the way the camera feels in my hands. I'm in love with the way I can capture a moment in a photo. I'm in love with catching people off guard when they're trying to be who they're expected to be. I'm in love with the feeling of being at home when I use the camera.
I know this is a short post but I don't want to make it longer as I think you guys get the picture. Plus my next post following these will be longer.

I mean who wouldn't be in love with being able to capture sights like this ?

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