Votes for Sale Today = Facebook Will Never Die Hurray.

Hurray for Steemit Groups that Sell Votes. Just like Facebook, Steemit is now a Pay To Play Utopia for Profits


It's the best. I used to think "Wow, Steemit is gonna put Facebook out of business." LOL I used to think that Steemit rewarded communities and building communities organically. I used to think that the old world meathod of Pay To Play was gonna die. I used to think that monetizing exposure and rewards was about to be a thing of the past. I was getting worried that Crypto Currency was gonna embrace the technology unleashed by the NSA in 1996 and turn it into some kind of egalitarian, equal opportunity, new paradigm that rewards humanity in new ways. I thought maybe this steemit thing was gonna give back to people for simply sharing what they care about, meet other people with same interests, and then god forbid get rewarded for it. Thank god was I wrong!

Bots are awesome. I was worried that bots were gonna be used by people to reward friends and interesting people. One could set up a bot to vote on posts and give back to the community. One guy was actually going around and caring about everyone he could, basically giving money away. What the heck was up with that? One guy set up a bot to reward specific interests such as humanitarian and arts and specifically to help new members. What a maroon! But the smart ones are the ones who bought up tens, no, hundreds of accounts, and poured their old money into them to upvote each other and then flag anyone trying to get the boot off their throat. Brilliant. So my tip to you is first of all, have money, then second of all buy a whole fuck ton of accounts, then have those accounts upvote each other. And also set them up to only vote on people who are already successful. Make sure to tell all the new people to give YOU and YOU alone a 100% upvote. Make newbies into your bots!

But the coolest thing of all, is charging people for votes. Now I know I know I know there was some talk in podcasts or maybe a chat room or maybe even a white paper about how selling upvotes was not a thing. But first of all, who reads white papers anyway. But more importantly, make sure you ignore any opportunity to not make money off of someone else. And selling votes is the new exciting opportunity on steemit. So if you are not already rich, you get to give the rich people the rest of your money for votes. Sounds great right? Instead of spending time writing about your interests or your family, you get to jump into a contest and compete against each other for validation and approval credits that you can use to buy votes. Remember slavery? Those were the good old days, when the jesuit master would pit the darks against the lights and the tall against the small and the House Slave against the Field Slave. Those days are back baby! Hallelujah praise fake jesus! There are contests and competitions where there is only one winner. Those are the best, cause the world needs loosers. And then there are these other things called BOUNTIES where you hustle and hustle and don't look at your watch, don't listen to the baby or gramma noise, don't talk to your neighbor, dont you dare go out doors, NO, you hustle and hustle for something to maybe sorta we'll see I don't know but the idea is you get some points! THEN the beauty of it is, after all that you can use those points to

Voting is not democratic. Nobody wants a democracy. Everybody wants to fight about politics but not do anything about it. If people really wanted to make a difference then they would get involved in Curation Trails or Wiki Projects or Show up at on discord or better yet go to their local government and get involved. OR they would get with some community in the desert of Texas and reach out to help others live a sustainable lifestyle. But what is the point of that when the rich can get richer and the poor can beg for more boots to put on their throats. I was read someone write some "Constitution of the Blockchain" once and I got worried they had integrity. I was worried that EOS was gonna be some new project to really empower the community and change ico's . Their token agreement said to confirm one is not in the USA at this time. I mentioned something about it in their slack and telegram. And thank god everyone in those platforms told me to ignore the official integrity of the token agreement. Nobody would answer anyone asking about the legitimacy of the Governance model. Nope, everyone, especially the lead devs, were running around telling people how to give over their money. Everyone was FOMO at the mouth and not concerned with official agreements. How awesome is that! Why are you even reading this! Get out there and take that fomo money, go give to the rich, and don't forget to go buy and sell some votes!

It's a brand new day. LOL. No it's not. I am sure @ned, @dantheman, and @steemit meant well and wanted a platform that would reward communities, be a conduit for joy, and eventually replace twitter's old model of ads and paying to have content seen. But there are too many warm and fuzzy big rich mammal fish here who know how to make that bling bling dollar bill ya'll. They see ads coming to facebook and were smart enough to get people to at least start paying for votes, paying for rewards, paying for exposure, and protecting the facebook model of pay to play. Now if we could just start collecting everyone's private data. Oh wait, all our transactions are visible. Just like the original bitcoin whitepaper, HOW TO MAKE A MINT: THE CRYPTOGRAPHY OF ANONYMOUS ELECTRONIC CASH written by the National Security Agency Office of Information Security Research and Technology Cryptology Division in 1996 said our transactions would be.

Thank you Trojan Horse Crypto Currency Paradigm for making sure that the old world paradigm survives just in a whole new way. Keep paying for those votes. Don' bother asking me for anything. I'm no thing, no body, no one. I used to be a big fan of Social and Political Satire. I was trained and performing with The Second City, Annoyance, iO Chicago, The Playground, and Comedy Sportz and The Reckoning and trained at The Actors Gang. I used to appreciate comedy and it's satire artists in history like Mark Twain, Edgar Allen Poe, Dickens, Voltaire, Shakespeare, Orwell, Kubrik, Nelson Algren, Dario Fo, Del Close, and the list goes on of a bunch of loosers who thought their words made a difference. No way not no more, I'm just a ghost in a shell of a man looking to buy some boots to put on my throat. Wanna trade on 1Broker, buy more LTC, ETH, BTC, on Coinbase, Maybe invest in PEERITY and AICOIN and some more @Zappl and Bitshares and GOLOS. Definately more STEEM now that it following the Facebook Path to Bling Bling Pay to Play Glory.

omnem pecuniam






*jacobts is the avatar for the Reckoning's Jake Schneider. He's either secretly the richest man on earth, or it's biggest hobo. Some say he's Fontas. Some say he's Satoshi. Nobody knows, but you can follow and upvote for more bits and buy his t shirts on threadless. *

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