12 Unique Traditions that Can Only Be Found in Indonesia

Tiwah Ritual - Central Borneo
In Central Kalimantan there is a special tradition performed for people who have long died. Tiwah ceremony is usually done by the Dayak tribe to deliver the bones of the dead to a house called Sandung. This ritual aims to straighten the journey of the soul to Lewu Tatau or heaven. In addition, this unique ritual also aims to release misfortune for families who have been abandoned.
Tradition of Finger Cut - Papua
This extreme tradition is indeed much abandoned by Dani tribe. Cutting a finger is a tradition to show sorrow for being left behind by family members. For Dani tribes fingers have a deeper meaning, symbolized as a form of harmony, unity, and strength in human beings or a family.
Mentawai Spiked Teeth - Kalimantan
For the Mentawai tribe beautiful women must meet three criteria. First, his long ears. Second, her body decorated with titi or tattoo. Third, pointed teeth. The tradition of sharpening teeth is believed to add to the beauty of the woman.
Kebo - Keboan - Banyuwangi
This yearly ritual is always held every 10th of Suro or 10 Muharam in the village of Alasmalang, Singojuruh, Banyuwangi. This ceremony requires that some men dress up to be buffalo and make sacrifices to plow the fields. After plowing the rice fields keboan keboan paraded around the village accompanied by folk art carnival. This kebo-keboan ritual aims to ask for rain during the dry season.
Tabuik - West Sumatra
Tabuik is Arabic which means the word ark or parade. This tradition is done by people on the West Coast, West Sumatra, which is held down and down. Tabuik ceremony is held every day Asyura which falls on 10 Muharram. This traditional ceremony became a symbol and a form of expression of deep sorrow and respect of Muslims in Pariaman terhdapat grandson of Prophet Muhammad SAW.

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