Today is my birthday, July 1

I want to give you a present, reader. You have been lied for far too long, you know it. All the gifts, all the stuff, they didn't make you happy. They didn't make you stand up and be ready to take on the world. What really made you alive is the message underneath the gift, the emotion.

You wanted the hug and the kiss. You needed the attention and the connection. That object that you got, it was just a vessel. A cup where your friend poured all his happiness and gratitude that you are in his life. The gift that he gave you is your own gift.

It doesn't matter if the vessel is modest or shiny. It matters how full it is. Reach with your hands and take the love you are given, take the smiles and heartbeats, the fleeting eyes and roaming thought. You feed out of love and connection.

Today I want to give you love, I hope you can recieve it on this 1 of July. Thank you :*

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