Life changing accident

It’s been 5 months since the life changing accident of my life. 

It was just the same normal  night when me and my friends go to town, have a few drinks and unwind. This is just the kind of night when we get together and have the time of our life in a karaoke session. 

After we got tired. Me  and my uncle decided to go home and ask our friends if they are going to tag along. And so we did. I was riding on a motorcycle (w/o helmet)  together with my uncle driving when half way home- I was on my phone texting someone when all of a sudden I heard my uncle said “oh shit.” 

Before I had the chance to look what’s at the road my vision went pitch black and I felt like i flew out. After a few second of total darkness I felt my head crack, I hit the concrete pavement head first. My body stumbled and became unconscious after. Turned out that we crashed  on a  speeding motorcycle without a headlight on. My uncle didn’t see the guy coming not until it was too late. I woke up on the way to  the hospital feeling my body was ripping apart. I cant move and the lower part of my face felt like it was fractured.

I wont stretch out any further how it was life changing for me since you already got the idea. And I don’t wanna start writing about dramatic poetry ATM. Ahmmm, lets just say That I have  realized a lot of things in life and I have done my best to be a better person since then.

 Our lives are not our own. From womb to tomb, we are bound to others. Past and present. And by each crime and every kindness, we birth our future. – Sonmi-451 Cloud Atlas

 "RUF = RESTEEM. UPVOTE. FOLLOW" @islandprincess

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