An Important Message

I dont know I guess this is just a message to everyone that you are beautiful just the way you are and even if you don’t feel like it, you are loved and you are worth it. It might not seem like it, right now, to you, but you are worth love and support and happiness and you deserve to be treated well. You don’t deserve all the crap people might say about you - about your weight or appearance otherwise, your clothing, your personality, your mental or physical disabilities, your sexuality, race, or religion, or anything else!Everybody deserves to be treated well, and nobody should have the right to go around and smash other people’s self confidence into the ground. Try your hardest to not take the negative things people say to heart. They may be feeling insecure themselves - and that’s no excuse, but remember: you are not what other people say about you. You are only what you make yourself to be, no matter what other people think. Sometimes I have a hard time with that, I know I care too much about what other people say, but I also know that it shouldn’t matter. We should all live for ourselves and let other people live for themselves. Let everybody live as they will, and mind your own fucking business unless someone else’s habits are hurting you. Don’t let abuse go. Don’t let destructive or self destructive behaviors go. But let people live their lives without being judged for their weight or skin color or mental abilities or physical abilities or the clothing they wear or who they choose to date or what they choose to do with their skin or how they choose to identify or their hair color or anything else really. I know that I need reminders sometimes that I still matter. Sometimes I’m made to feel like I don’t, or that I’m not good enough. I need a reminder that I do matter, to the people who matter to me. I need to remember that I am good enough for anybody else as long as I am good enough for myself and am doing my best. I need these reminders, and I figured some of y’all might need them too, so I wanted to put this out there. Look, I know you might not feel like you matter, but you do. You matter to somebody, I swear, even if it doesn’t feel like it. You are good enough, and you are trying your best, and that should be enough for everyone else.

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