People are sensitive. They are tempermental. They hold grudges. Rarely do people talk out problems.

I've been encountering this more and more frequently. Have YOU?


In the old days, if you had a problem with something someone said, or did, you'd confront them.

Today, no one does that. We just ignore or shun them and move on....

Why is that?

This is not about me specifically... it is just something I keep seeing like a reoccurring disease.

I'm the type of person that wants small problems settled quite quickly. If there is an issue, let's talk about it.

Today it seems everyone is just "too busy" to deal with small problems...


  • Small problems become BIG problems. Grudges start to take place. There is an unspoken resentment for one another.


I am not exempt from this lesson neither. If something bugs me, I should vocalize it. If something bugs you about me, I only wish you would vocalize it. A trivial problem could easily be cleared up in a 5 minute conversation.

During elementary or public school, teachers would encourage kids to resolve their problems on the playground.

As adults, many of us don't resolve problems, we let them build up, and we skirt them. When I say "we" I mean.. MANY do..

Life is too short to let little trivial problems become huge unsolvable grudges and long term issues.

So with that being said, here is my advice:

  • Talk to one another more. There is common ground in all of us. There is no need to just "stay away" or hold up artificial shields to prevent us from being disappointed by someone.

Ok @intelliguy -- tell me the truth -- where is this coming from?

I have the ability to detect body language, tone of voice, change of posture, or attitude when someone talks to me.

When there is a sudden abnormality... I have to wonder. OK, this person is upset about some situation, but it's not upsetting enough for them to confront me. Until they do, I have no idea why they're adjusting their demeanor towards me.

They actually may have legitimate reasons for this disappointment and frustration..

...but until 2 people who have differences can have that 5 minute talk, a small trivial problem will snowball until the point one person says to a 3rd or 4th party "Yeah, I don't like or trust that person"

Why is it easier to tell friends and family about problems you have someone instead of the person themselves?

  • Cuz it's easier. You'd rather not get into problem-solving. That takes, effort, time, caring and urge.

WAIT A MINUTE - That is judgemental premature thinking -- jumping to conclusions. Good people are hard to find. Good people are inherently good. Good people are rare these days. Don't let silly trivial problems become some huge unnecessary wedge in friendships.

We all can (and will) make mistakes...

I suppose the reason I wrote this, is that just today, out of the ordinary, late at night..

I borrowed some eggs of a neighbor by cell phone text message at the last minute.


I felt bad about having to ask and text. The person was completely fine with it they seemed... or were they?

How would I ever know? Would they say something? Would they distance themselves from me? Am I overthinking things? Of course it seems like I am..


..and a BIG BUT THEN...

I've experienced trivial things "just like this" before.. where someone was uncomfortable about things I said, did, neglected to do, or neglected to say... and now they're upset, annoyed...

...BUT they would never say anything. Come on... we're adults. We can talk to each other better than 5 or 6 year old kids on the playground at school. So why don't we?


...apparently this is one of life's mysteries... and it is silly.

So that's my rant for the day. Feels good to let it all out. The STEEM blockchain is good for things like this...

Comments? OH I would love them.. Let me know what you think or it has happened to you.

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