How to survive the rest of 2017!

My friends, each one of you in different ways, have by your thoughts, words and deeds demonstrated that there is so much goodness, hope positivity and love, even in the midst of everything that is occurring in this world.

I take this opportunity to applaud, thank and encourage you to keep this effort up!

As you enter into the last months of the year you may be inspired to do some introspection of the previous months of your life. I humbly offer to you the below my writing as food for thought, food for your soul and I wish you the most incredible, blessed, miracle filled next months of your life!


“I once attempted to peel an onion
And realized that it had a layer of skin
As I peeled it off
I found a layer
And another
And another
I looked at it and wondered
If I asked each layer what it was, it would probably answer it was an onion
But it took all the layers together to make up the whole

I then pondered about us as humans
How many layers do we have?
How many veneers?
How many titles?
How many labels?
How many stereotypes?
How many levels?
If we asked each one, would it say it was us?

But if you dare to seek deeper
Beyond all the layers
Beyond the veneers
Beyond the titles
Beyond the labels
Beyond the stereotypes
And beyond the levels
You may find that you were not even any one of the above


As the essence of your true being cannot really be described by identifying with your outside, or any of its layers
If you want to find the truth of who your really are
And who you were meant to be

I Dare you!
Do the following simple yet difficult exercises
Drop your socially built pretenses
Release your spirit by not being defined by your titles
Step out from behind your veneers
Rewrite your labels
Be a rebel and shun stereotypes
Release all pretenses
Peel off your layers
Lastly give up your concept of your limited view of yourself
The look with your new eyes at your truly magnificent essence deep inside
For inside, you have always possessed the greatest hidden treasure!”
© Inshan Meahjohn 2013


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