Narrowing Down Homestead Decisions... again

This image sums up what my builder probably thinks of my decision making.


Yet I am having trouble making up my mind. Such is the case when you have less money than you planned on having, so are having to revise your plans. What do you do when you can't do what you want to do? Well turns out there are lots of possibilities!

Right now my most desired plan is to actually ... gasp... take out a construction loan.

That will allow me to build a duplex, which means I can live in one 1 BR unit while renting out the other for more than the mortgage payment. I can then build a regular 3 BR house (easiest for resale value) in a few years when crypto starts delivering on financial hopes and dreams. LOL

If that never happens, still, I'll have lots of options once I have income from one rental until that covers more than the costs for the entire property, given what I've already investing in the property.

I may actually wind up living in an RV half this year, while the build proceeds. That way I won't have to pay rent while also paying interest on the construction loan. Rental income will count with my regular income when calculating what loan I can afford once post construction, but in the construction phase my passive income from my previous business has to qualify me for the interest only payments and my current housing expenses. Definitely won't be staying in my current $1,500/m place! But I intended to move out of there anyway.

I'm also going back and forth on all solar vs. grid tie in with solar fed back into the system. The latter costs much less and I do have power lines running right out in front of my property. I've been waiting for the electric coop to call me back with an estimate for the cost of running the lines to the part of the property I'd want the duplex/cottage on. Then I can compare the prices and see what makes the most sense. I'm not as committed to being off grid entirely for the unit that's being rented out, since unlimited power for people there a short time may be advisable. I can't control them all and would tire of teaching each one how to treat power when off grid.

Well that's what's up on my homestead development front. Basically still fleshing out ideas, but also still hoping to break ground May 1.

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