Life Flows, Country Goals & Mars Retrograde Growth

I'm doing an update post because I realize I haven't posted in a long while. Mostly I post when a new insight takes shape for me and I think it may benefit others, or when I share something with someone and it has a big impact on them I think may also benefit others.

While there's been lots of low level stuff popping through lately, I can't say anything seems worthy of an entire post. Mostly my days have been about processing thoughts, energies and emotions more effectively myself and simply enjoying life.

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I've given up on keto, because I was losing too much weight. I realized I had to either add back the carbs or reduce the amount of dancing I do. Since the dancing helps not only with physical health but also with mental/emotional resiliency, that stays. So now I'm having cookies and candies each day, plus baked an apple pie last week.

It's only been a week or so I've added back the carbs, so we'll see what balance helps me achieve the optimal weight/health situation. If you are wanting to lose weight, I can vouch for the fact that a ketogenic diet will most likely do it.

Where in the world

I continue to sort out where in the world I may want to live as soon as the world is no longer closed to Americans. I've started becoming a part of communities in different parts of the world. Since there are so many lockdowns, lots of formerly in-person communities are now online. So I can participate the same as someone already living there. In this way I hope to already have friends and community when I do finally move out of the US.

In my national elections, I already voted by mail, so now I'm not really paying attention to what's going on there. It's all academic. I am organizing a meditation event for the evening of the actual election day, even though most people I know will vote before then.

Back & Forth

With Mars in retrograde through mid-November and Mercury in retrograde until election day itself (with lingering effects for a few days afterward) I think it best to give people something to focus on that feels peaceful, loving, and connected. Let those moving outward in opposition to Mars' retrograde energy enjoy the conflict they are creating for themselves without me! We will be following the energy in self-reflection and inner growth.

Mars in retrograde invites us to explore where we have inner conflicts that need resolving. In my case the process is more dissolving into the light of my true being. Others have their own ways of processing the past and reconciling with different aspects of themselves. I would only say, whatever your way is, this is a time you've got a lot of energetic support for doing it and a lot of suffering for resisting it.

Hopefully I'll be back soon with a more meaty post. I've been very involved with spiritual community connection through video lately, as well as time spent in my yard or front porch. As such, it may be quite a while before I post again if something significant doesn't shift in a way I want to share with you. Just know that I am quite well and looking forward to reconnecting with you soon and seeing what you've been up to also.

(All text and images (except the AT logo) are by the author, unless otherwise credited. This is original content, created expressly for HIVE.)

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