8 Inspirational Thoughts


Opportunities or difficulties

These two things can be the same thing, but called different names by people. Looking at a course of action or state of affairs, you can call it an opportunity. You see a way out that benefits you.

There are bound to be problems as you try to take advantage of it though, but you can overcome them, or at least try and not give up.

Looking at the same situation with the eyes of a pessimist, all you see are the problems. You see the losses, sacrifices, spent time and money; but you don't see the reward at the end. That's the difference.

They say in crises can be found many opportunities. Whether it is your own personal life at a critical point involving stressful changes, or it is in other areas, the statement proves true. It all depends on how you view the situation.

Letting go of the past

We all have experiences that we might wish to have erased from our pasts. Experiences that proved more harmful than good to you.

Well, I think the first thing to do when trying to let go of the past is to accept it. Denial only delays the problem for later. Deal with it now.

Once you've accepted it, then you can stop wishing it away. Embrace the lessons it taught you and be thankful to have survived the experience. Once you do this, the experience ceases to have any power over you.

That is how I think letting go of the past should be done. Trying to forget it is not an effective solution, in my opinion. That's what the mind is for: remembering.

Pain is inevitable, but you can choose not to suffer

Pain is inevitable in life. You think I'm lying? Your entry into this world, yes, your birth gave pain to your mother. You fell countless times as you grew up, hurting yourself physically in the process. You've cried countless times for your mother or someone else. Crying indicates emotional pain.

You've been disappointed, rejected and insulted before in your life. That's pain for you.

Since it is inevitable, I think it is how you react to it that matters. Do you suffer by letting it get to you, or do you endure and use it as a catalyst to live?

I wonder what will happen when you actually enjoy the pains that life gives us sometimes. You'll be above them.

The action plan

It is alright to dream about your goals, the purpose toward which all your current efforts are being made. To have visions is the starting point of all endeavors. The thing you mustn't do though, in my opinion, is to dream and forget about the action plan.

A vision never comes to reality without action. Your action plan is what you use to turn your dream into reality. Focus on that and make sure that you follow-through, putting in all the necessary effort and making alterations as needed, and you will make it.

Nothing just happens, you have to make it happen, so dream about the goal but focus on the action plan.

Whatever you do, do it with all your heart

Life is too short to waste doing something half-heartedly. This is true for things that affect how you live life everyday, like work and relationships. Enthusiasm is the spice of life. Why make a waste of this gift?

I mean, there are options in life, and all revolve around two major ones: love life and live or exist to just survive. It's your choice.

If I find myself doing something half-heartedly, I ask myself why I am doing that thing. If I can't come up with a good answer then I stop, and move on to something better. I focus my resources on what I love doing. It's one of the things that I believe to add value to my life: passions.

Do what you love and love what you do, and be happy.

Keep the adventurous spirit of a child

Life is a mystery, being slowly revealed to us day by day, but we know more of it by venturing. Discovery entails exploration, and exploration is for the adventurous. You must be willing to try new things and take risks for you to know more of life.

Idleness only makes you used to your current environment and boring, and it hinders your personal growth.

I must admit that I am an avid adventurer. I thrive on new experiences and new ideas. I kept in touch with the adventurous spirit of childhood as I grew up. It keeps life interesting.

So much done and so much learned, but so much more to do and see, and learn.

Opportunities and attitude

Opportunities exist, no doubt about that. The problem that causes most people to miss out on opportunities is that of having the wrong mindset, the wrong mental attitude. A person must have a conducive attitude if he or she is to see opportunities when they come his or her way.

Even after you notice the opportunity, you still need the right attitude to cease it.

To notice opportunities, you need to be receptive, open-minded and mentally alert. Go around deliberately looking for them and you will find them.

To cease opportunities you need to be adventurous and courageous. Be willing to take risks (because opportunities come with risk) and strong enough to overcome your fears.

Admit to yourself when you're wrong

As much as it might seem difficult to do, admitting to yourself that you are wrong is a mature thing to do. It is only sensible to do so because only then will you be in the right state of mind to properly learn from your mistakes.

No one is perfect and we all make mistakes, but not all of us admit to mistakes made. Some refuse to accept their wrong and thereby rob themselves of an opportunity to learn and be a better person.

This is not to discourage confidence in your ways. Confidence is good, by all means; but self-deception isn't, when it hinders personal growth.

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