Emotional warfare.

The worst battle you have to fight is between what you know and what you feel

Today I'd like to talk to you about using your emotions as a weapon to win.

Win what? Winning the fight against yourself! It's one of the most important aspects of life. People will tell you you can't do it or that you shouldn't do it and if you hear it often enough your thought process will adopt that pattern and sooner than you think the chance of changing your life is ruined because you (or your willpower) were not strong enough to resist.
Resist what? To resist to just let everything be like it always was. Have you never noticed that feeling of "upgrade" whenever you stepped out of your comfort zone and looked back at yourself? Doesn't it feel like reaching a whole new level of life?


I know it's hard. It's hard to overcome yourself every day to become better and better. But that's the only possible way to become someone greater than you are now. As hard as it is, don't forget to have fun on the way up. Whatever you're doing, whereever you're improving, there are days where you say "fuck it, it's now worth it". Say it. Scream it. Throw it for a hour or two and then.. Come back :) Then you'll feel what I mean when saying the next level. After that it's the time to have fun, because you already overcame yourself and now there's a chance that you stay on that particular plateau for an undefined time frame which you can use to find a way for yourself to make your thing (be it learning an instrument by yourself, learning technical analysis or succeeding at working out) more entertaining.

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