How to improve the attraction of Wealth/Money!

Now, I am not going to lecture you on HOW TO MAKE MONEY. That is up to you to decide and what you believe you are capable of. However, even if you have money, no amount of money would last if you do not have the correct mindset! I will list a few things that you will need to change mentally in your mind in order for you to attract wealth and prosperity.

1.) I have mentioned this one in a previous post briefly. CHANGE YOUR DEFINITION OF "RICH" or "WEALTHY". What you have to understand here is that everyone's definition of rich is completely different. Someone who lives in poverty may look at another man that has a simple roof over his head and clothes on his shoulders where he does not. That man is rich in his eyes. Someone who has a 9-5 basic job, a simple car and a 200k mortgage may turn around and say "if I had £1000,000, I would be rich". Now for ME, my definition of rich is anyone who would have a net worth of around £20,000,000 +.

You could affirm to yourself that you want to be rich, but how do you define that? Know your definition and set the bar just in your reach. When you affirm a certain goal, do not say "I want to be rich". Say: "I will be rich and have a net worth of (give yourself a figure) by (give yourself a deadline). You have to be precise what you ask for! IF YOU ARE MIXED, YOU WILL GET MIXED RESULTS.

2.) Start acting the way a well respected Multi-Millionaire behaves. Now I do not mean, go spend every penny you have on cars, watches, holidays and go flat out broke! Take that course and you will be! What I mean is, go do the little things such as, go to a nice restaurant once in a while with wealthy vibes, hang around with people that have the same passion about building wealth, go to a Ferrari garage with your best suite and have a stroll around and see what you like. Have a sit in the car and get a feel for the steering wheel, the interior. Leave your home garage empty for your super car to come in the next few years..... Now this may sound crazy but what you have to understand is that, this is how law of attraction works. Its all about expectancy. You are expecting your life to improve so start behaving like the change is already happening!

3.) This last one I will keep short... Other than creating a business, investing or creating multiple streams of income to build your wealth, there is one thing that is important above all! People tend to over look this completely.

BE PATIENT! The reason most people do not become successful is because the majority want immediate gratification! It is proven that people who are patient, work hard, work smart, give it time.... they are the ones that get the biggest reward in the end.

There is a famous saying:

Please feel free to comment on your views on this! I wish you all the best.

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