Does TIME even exist?

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Now this may be a touchy subject to some however I will explain to you as brief as possible on why time itself does not exist. (I guess it is more common sense than anything else)

1.) The 4 space and Time Dimensions explained
As you probably remember in your science classes back in the day when you were back at school, you may have been taught about the 4 basic space and time dimensions (there are many more however these 4 is our only concern here).

  • First dimension is your forward and Back movement.
  • Second dimension is your Left and Right movement.
    -Third dimension is your up and down movement or height if you would like to call it for simplicity. All these cover the X,Y and Z axis.
  • The 4th dimension which is most often ignored by scientists is TIME, the very thing that puts stress, control, anxiety, pressure upon us all from the day we are born.... It is the very thing that dictates what we do, how we do it and when we do things.
    Capture watch.PNG
    2.) Time is Man Made
    What you have to understand here is that time itself is man made. Aliens did not come down thousands of years ago when we were primitive and gave us the teachings of time. Neither did divine sources of power, gods come down from the heavens and give us time.
  • One of the very first forms of time keeping were sundials and obelisks (man made), but where does time originate from?
  • has understood the time it takes for the earth too rotate, then the earth to rotate around the sun.. Blah Blah Blah you get the picture. This has then been put into form of a clock to be understood by man. From this MAN HAS CREATED NAMES FOR TIME... Minute, Hour, Day, Week, Month, Year.... it goes on.

    3.) Someone's Age is also a measurement of TIME
    You have probably heard this before but I will mention it again.... Age is just a number, right? YES. Everyone's bodies age at different rates. Some age quicker, some age slower than others. Someone's body who is 20 years old by the measurement of time could only be as old and as healthy as a 15 year old.

Time itself dictates our lives so much in today's society, it is basically becoming a controlling tool.

Just before I sign off, remember this one thing....

Time itself does not exist but the illusion of time does

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