Interesting facts about daisy flower

image image imageDaisy Flower is one flower that is usually combined in hand bouquet. This flower does not have the charm of as strong as roses, but the beauty of daisy flowers can attract the attention of anyone who see it. Well, did you know that there are some interesting facts from the flower known as this Aster flower. There are some interesting facts about Daisy flowers that are not yet known by most people, even including Daisy's own lover.Here is some interesting info about Daisy flowers: Daisy belong to one kind of family the largest plant in the world. This flower is classified as a vascular plant species, rich in nutrients and water. This vascular plant belongs to 10% of the flowering plants that grow on earth. Daisy name is actually taken from the ancient English word "Daes eag", which means "Eyes of a day" because these flowers bloom when Daisy can be found in all the regions of the world, to except in Antarctica. The interest of Daisy was first introduced by a German botanist, Paul Dietrich Giseke and his close friend known as the "father of the Modern Taxonomy" from Sweden, namely Carl Linnaeus.Daisy are actually two flowers that grow into one.Kelopaknya color white is calculated as the first flower, while its center is yellow and shaped like an eye is a second flower. Diaisy is a flower that represents the symbol of purity and innocence of Daisy Flower contains Vitamin C, making this petal is often used as a topping for Daisy is one of the flowers that can extracted into a drug. In addition to being rich in Vitamin C, this flower also has the ability to relieve cough and indigestion. Daisy flowers are known as drugs to speed up the treatment process after surgery and ease the pain. Aster flowers can heal wounds in humans and animals. very fond of daisy flowers, because this flower is sa is one ingredient to produce honey. This flower is a type of herbaceous plant that can grow as high as 3 inches to 4 feet. Daisy flowers can grow with yellow center with white petals, white center with red petals, brownish center with purple petals, and center dark red with yellow petals. Flowers Daisy will grow throughout the summer and pollination is assisted by bees.Daisy can grow through the seeds that spread in autumn and flowering in the spring. This flower will return buds at night. which is very popular in the world is the Daisy Gloriosa, Marguerite Daisy, Shasta Daisy, Gerber Daisy, and African Daisy.Nah, that's some interesting facts about daisy flowers, not only beautiful daisy turns

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