Friday Prayer Mandates from Friday Exo 4

Friday Prayer Mandates from Friday Exo 4

The Omnipotent and Omniscience God; The Lord God of the Hebrews who touches the mountains and they tumble; who appeared to our Fathers of Faith to deliver your people from the Egyptian bondage and to translate them to the realms of riches and dignity. I wake up this day with your fresh breath in my nostrils, with renewed strength by your Spirit and with excellence in our minds. I use the mandates of this prayer to address all short and long- term disabilities in our lives, to overthrow all oppressions of mind and body and to liberate everyone in my home from the grips of the wicked. This mandate becomes a rod of power in my hands, to swallow every serpent attacking my family; it becomes a signet to salvage the church of God from the wilderness of sin; to remove all leprosy legacies in the household of God and make us to rule and reign in the midst of our enemies. O Lord, let your church be a city of refuge from all satanic holds and let deliverance be automatic in your sanctuary. O Lord, let my family be completely removed from the hit lists of satanic hatchmen; let there be a release of the wonder working power of God in every facet of our lives; and let there be success stories streaming daily from my family, in Jesus name

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