7 Facts that you have to eliminate to achieve success in your life

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If you want to change your life to be better, to be rich and to be successful, firstly you must know the facts to be eliminated in your present life.

(1) Eliminate the excuses

Why isn’t your life getting any further forward with improvement till today?
It is because of the excuses; no capital, no time, no one that helps me, no opportunity, poor education, not being a good school that I attended, etc. All is excuses!!!

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Because if some people can achieve success although they face the problems like you do all over the world i.e that you have to be successful. Earl Nightingale have said that “Result of our life is 100% concerned with ourselves. But only successful person accepts this word”. Therefore, get rid of all of your excuses and then it is guaranteed that your life becomes better.

(2) Eliminate the mind that you will start to do if all is already perfect

If you start to do something after waiting the day that all is ready, you will not do anything. Perfection is like a germ that will destroy you because it can ruin a person not to be able to do anything.

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Everything in your life can occur when we are not ready. Thus, don’t waste your precious time anymore. Life is the cycle; start to do, fail, learn, improve, start again. So, if you can get rid of perfectionist in your mind, your life becomes better.

(3) Eliminate the fear

Everyone has the fear;
-fears the rejection
-fears being not good-looking
-fears the failure

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Because we, humans have the ability to make free from the danger, trouble and problem. Since long time ago, we had to capture the animals for food and also we had to avoid not be other animals’ food. So, fear is the thing that helps our human generation not to disappear. But don’t block the success of your life for that fear. Every successful person has fear but they know when they should fear and when should not fear.

(4) Eliminate the mind that you have to control all

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We can’t control everything. So, we should focus on the thing that we can control in our lives. For example, we can control ourselves. We should focus on our feeling, our words. If you control the thing that is not yours, your mind will become unhappy. Thus, get rid of the mind that you can control everything and you will become peaceful and happy.

(5) Eliminate your old mindset

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You have to eliminate your old mindset if the destination of your life is very far from present situation. Look at the successful person that you want to achieve success like him or her. They have some mindset that is different from yours. Get their mindset and do it to become yours. If so, your life will continue to improve forward.

(6) Eliminate the mind you want to achieve success immediately

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Eliminate the mind that after you sleep tonight, you want to be rich tomorrow morning. But those things are the ones that everyone like. For example, everyone wants to be rich by buying lottery tickets. Real success comes from our hard work and investment.

(7) Eliminate the mind that you dare not deny

Most of the people think they always have to do “ Say Yes”. They think that if so, others will like them, they will be the persons who have goodwill. In that way, all people do “Say Yes” and solve the problems together with headache. As a result, they solve other people’s affairs and they even have no time to think about theirs.

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You can do “Say Yes” for everything you want to do or to be. But you have right to deny i.e you can do “Say No” for the thing you don't want. By doing so, it can’t be said that you are selfish. You don’t need to compare to anyone.

In this post, if you can modify and improve your mindset, your life will be more convenient and better than now. And then you can quickly get to your destination you want.

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