Planetshakers Conference Malaysia

Recently I've attended an amazing event called Planetshakers Conference Malaysia! Even tho its just a short 2 nights and one day, but I have to say that it has been one of the best days of my life in 2018!

It has been quite some time since I've last encounter God in a extraordinary way. The team from Planetshakers really did a good job in leading the crowd to an amazing time of praise and worship. It's also my first time joining such big conference, and even though I signed up late and had to pay more, this is definitely worth every penny! We started off at night with an opening of P&W with some of their new songs! I'm really amazed by how passionate they are in serving, they've not only came to Malaysia to organise a conference, they also went to the Philippines, Indonesia and going to Singapore for their next one! I believe God has really favoured them so much for their heart in building his kingdom.


My personal experience

As I've said earlier, it is my first time joining Planetshakers conference, and I've definitely learnt so much and am so inspired by what they are doing! Back in my church's youth group, our band has always been playing Planetshakers songs, and we personally are also really touched by how good the songs they wrote relate to us, and believing that by declaring the songs in our services, it would bless the congregation as well. But for me, I've never really heard the original Planetshakers band played before, and so I'm really happy I got to experienced it this time! In the bible it said to play skilfully and joyfully to the Lord, the band not only did played skilfully, but seeing how joyful they are serving on stage, it really stirred up many of our hearts too!

Something I really want to take back from this is from Pastor Andy's sharing..

Proverbs 20:27, it said that "The spirit of a man is the lamp of the Lord, Searching all the inner depths of his heart." In another version "The spirit of man is the candle of the Lord, searching all the inward parts of the belly." We, our spirits, are God's candle, and guess what are candles made for? That's right! They're made to be lit, so we are made to be lit ;) Anyways, there's three things I noticed from a candle.

One, a candle gives light when it is lit, that light represents our passion and fire for God. Imagine being in a huge dark room, where there is no source of light at all, and there is just one candle lit in the middle of the room. That candle definitely wouldn't be able to light up the whole room with just its own flame, but we can definitely say that everyone in the room can see the candle. How we go about our spiritual walk with Christ really shows and impacts the people around us, we should never underestimate our own passion for God! When people see us being the only candle lit up in the room, people will start wondering how did the light came up and start following the light. We'll never know how much the little things we do in life, can be such a big impact to other's.

Two , there's always a sweet fragrance when a candle is being lit up, that represents our gifts from God. The fragrance inside the candle was built since the day it was made. So goes the same for us, our gifts has always been there since the day we were born, it is up to us wether we want to commit our lives fully to God, lighting up our candle, and let God show us the plans and gifts he orchestrated for us, and when that light is lit up, the sweet scent will soon fill up the room.

Three, everyone knows when a candle is lit long enough, the wax will slowly melt off, and that wax represents the old us. Every time we choose to trust in God, choose to light our candle up, there are certain things in our life that we have to sacrifice in order to fully experience God's awe and wonders for us. One big question to ask ourselves is :" Are we willing to burn off our own plans, and do what it takes to be closer to God and experience his fullness?" As christians, we should be living our daily lives by faith, and not by sight, is our daily lives too comfortable for us? If it is, then it would be a good health check for ourselves :)

That's one of my favourite and biggest take back from the conference, if you missed out on this years conference, do sign up for next year's one! It will definitely be even more amazing!

Thanks for reading :)

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