SELF-HELP TUESDAY: How To Live Life When You Keep Failing To Achieve Your Goals


"Life's failure is when you do not realize how close you were to success when you gave up."

It all started with a post I made here on Steemit where I ask for topics that I can write about that is related to self-development/self-help. Out of the comments, there is this one comment that stands out. It was from @winarobert. Please see the photo for our short conversation.


Just what I said to him, this topic is very close to my heart for I've experienced it. I know most of us experience failure and been wondering how to live life when you keep failing to achieve your goals. So I decided to write about it today in the hope to inspire and help others to move forward and take the first step towards their dreams without giving up.


Live Like a Hermit

Be willing to disappear from society, from your friends, and sometimes from your own family. If you want to achieve your goals badly you need to sacrifice a lot of things. You need to learn how to say "NO" to every enjoyable thing there is in life that is not urgent and not important. A friend texting or chatting you to call them because of an emergency think again. What is their definition of an emergency? I have a friend who always says it's an emergency but the reality is, she just needs to vent her frustrations on you or she just wants to talk to you about other people or things or her crush. You need to learn how to filter. Which is more important? Those long calls from your friend or best friend or your goals? Yes, they are important too. Yes, social circles are important too but If you are constantly failing on your goals think again.


"You are the average of the five people you spend the most time with."
-Jim Rohn-

I cannot remember how many "NO" I said to my friends who invited me for dinner, social gathering and all. I lock myself up in my room, away from people, even from my parents, learning the things I wanted to learn that can be beneficial for my own growth. You might find it boring at first, but as you learn to enjoy your own company, it's fun. Luckily, I learned to enjoy my own company when I was in the University. No! I'm not a loner, I have friends too but we have different class schedules and we usually bond over dinner and sleepovers so in the morning after class, I usually go to the library or go for a window shopping at the mall.

Train Life A Ninja


"It takes a hundred times to remember the moves, a thousand times to make them beautiful, and ten thousand times to grasp their essence."


Life's lessons are like pieces of ninja training. Sometimes it's very difficult to remember and apply those lessons even if life teaches us same lessons over and over again. We keep on failing because we never bother to focus and really learn what life is teaching us. We keep wondering why we are a failure but we forget to remember how important it is to invest our time setting our goals, implementing it, tracking our progress, evaluate and re-evaluate our goals and progress.


In order to achieve our goals we need not play the rules of a victim and constantly tell ourselves that we can't-do it. Instead, we need to give our 101% focus on our goals. We need to have a plan that we can implement for the next 10 or 5 years. We also need to create yearly, monthly, and weekly goals. If we have done that then it is easier for us make a daily to-do-list that will help us achieve our goal one step at a time.


While doing these things, while practicing daily, it is normal that you can't-do it perfectly at one attempt. You need to do it daily so you will improve over-time. I tried to change my schedule, my morning routine, and I want to change my negative habits to positive one but I keep on falling back to my old habits. I must admit that I gave in so many times. I gave up because I think I cannot do it. As I kept on falling I realized that it is normal to fail and it is okay to fail. As long as you are making an effort to evaluate each fallback. Identify what is causing you to fall, learn from your mistakes as fast as you could, start looking for a solution and try again. Mostly, there are no shortcuts but if you will practice how to learn and apply faster, you will be able to achieve your goals in no time. Why? Because if you will learn and apply faster, the less the tendency that you will repeat your previous mistakes.

Heal Like Wolverine

NOTE: The content below under heal like wolverine is my comment from @enazwahsdarb's post "You got to spread your wings and soar! Part 1." I simply recycled my thoughts since it is the best way to explain it.


Many people dare to dream big dreams but because of that little voice, they doubted their own capabilities plus there are people who laugh and tell people that it is impossible. And here comes a toxic person who strongly insist that you are a nobody and every attempt you make is a failure so better not try at all.


That little voice, those naysayers, and those toxic people brainwashed you that you can't and will never make it happened. And here comes the norms in our society who tells us to finish schooling, find a job, and get married. As if that's the only cycle every human being should follow.


And if you think that these are the only things that stopping you... wait... there's more. False advertisement, nonsense TV shows and movies that teach people, especially our younger generation that building muscles and learning how to do our makeup are the most important thing in this world. Look at our teenagers. Most of them think nothing but finding their prince charming to fall in love with or spend most of their time figuring out how to get a girl. And the list of things that stop us from achieving our dreams is a long list. Interesting, isn't it?


No wonder why most of us won't dare to start dreaming. Others tried to follow their dreams but eventually, they quit. They gave up because they failed many times. They gave up because no one believes in their dreams. They gave up because they are tired.


If you really want to achieve and follow your dreams, you must be willing to walk alone. You must be willing to fail and get rejected hundred times. You must be willing to stand up every time you fall. You must be willing to fight and win the battle against yourself. You must be willing to laugh at and to be criticized. You must be strong enough to surpass depression. And most of all, you need to believe in yourself no matter what. Because following your dream means walking alone. Your brother, your sister, and even your parents will give up on you especially if you already disappoint them for countless of times.


Dreaming is simple but achieving those dreams is hard. It is always hard at the beginning, messy in the middle but very beautiful in the end. If you want to spread your wings and fly then learn to silence that little voice, learn to ignore the naysayers and toxic people. Start feeding yourself with kind words, positive thoughts, and inspiring stories from a successful person. Learn the art of selective listening, and you must learn to adopt the right mindset of a successful people. If you can do all those things then spread your wings and fly.


WARNING: You will fail, you will make wrong decisions, you will stumble and fall. You will repeat these things hundreds or thousands of times. But that's okay. Just learn all the lessons from these things as fast as you can. And always REMEMBER to enjoy the process of who you are becoming and how many people you touch and inspire along the way.

We can't blame no one but ourselves. If we are tired to live life because we keep failing to achieve our dreams then maybe it's now a perfect time to sit down, get a paper and a pen and write all the dreams that you want to achieve and you should write a target date on when you want to achieve it so it will become goals. There is no time for self-pity. Take full responsibility for your actions, implement those goals so in no time you will achieve your goals. It may not come overnight but if you keep on doing something every day to realize your goals, it will happen.

Talk to you again tomorrow for our STEEMIT WEDNESDAY LESSON post. I will be compiling some useful information for the newbies like what is steemit, what is steem dollars, and all. It may not be applicable for senior Steemian but I think it is a must for all the newbies here that are still confused on how Steemit really works. So see you again tomorrow for our STEEMIT WEDNESDAY LESSON: The Basics.

Do you have any questions, clarifications, suggestions or violent reactions? Please comment down below. I would love to know your thoughts and opinions. Thank you!



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