Shyam Babu, Pihu and Sweet Apples

The story of an innocent child, which was not only innocent, was also good at heart.
Logopit_1541327944518.jpgShyam Babu used to see everyone in his office and talk with respect. Their family was also friendly as they were. One day he went to the park with his daughter, Pihu. Pahu was still ten years old. Shyam Babu and Pihu playing in the park for a long time. then did an apple sellers go from there.

Pihu expressed his desire to eat apples from Shyam Babu. Shyam Babu did not come with much money. But they had enough money to buy two apples. Shyam Babu bought two apples. Phehu was very happy to take both apples in his hands. Shyam Babu jokingly said, 'Drink an apple and give it to a father.'

Pahu's gestures changed as soon as he heard this. He alternately picked both apples and bitten them with a tooth. Shyam Babu was shocked to see this move. He always wanted to drink and eat all the things. But Pihu is such greedy and jealous, it is known to him today. They started worrying. They thought, Pihu's mother could not learn such things. She is a very cultured lady.

Sure it will be Rajini's job. Rajni came here to her Shyam Babu thought of talking to Rajni, because he could not see Pihu deliberately ruined. Only then, Pihu extends towards the right-hand apple apple and said, 'You eat all this, it is all sweet and lush.'

Shyam Babu smiled, 'But you both got the apple ready. How will I eat now? ' Pahu said, 'Papa, I was just looking at which apple is much sweeter. Rajni aunt says that if someone has to give something, then best give, then best should be given. ' Shyam Babu understood that he was wrong.

There should be no conclusion before knowing the truth.


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