Rashid, Vase and Happiness.

The story of a young man, who changed the life of a vase coming into the house.
There was a big party in the house of Rashid . Recently, Rashid opened a new motor garage. All his friends, his friends, were in his house to congratulate him. Rashid's cousin said to him, Brother, what luck you have found you have From today about a year ago no one would have thought that you will become the owner of such a large garage one day.

I wish that luck would be ours too. Rashid said, a year ago, I watched everything from poverty specs and cursed myself. Then one got me a vase. This vase changed my life. That vase was so beautiful that I did not stay and I brought it home. I used to watch him day and night.

There was no place to keep her in the house. To keep it, I brought out all garbage in the house. The next day saw weaving a spider web near the vase. I put out all the garbage in the house The next day saw weaving a spider web near the vase. I cleaned all the nets in my house and threw all the worms out of the house.

The vase began to feel heard without flowers, so I went to take flowers, but because of lack of money, I did not get the flowers. On that day, I put some wild flowers in it. I felt very bad. For some money, I started doing small things. New flowers came, the house was cleared, some money started coming. I became so crazy about that vase that people started bringing home to display a vase from some excuse to excuse.

Slowly my relationships began to improve and people started believing in me. That vase changed the Nazarer to see the world.

The support of straw is also very much to change life.


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