Thousands of people in Venezuela eat from the garbage to survive

The Infobae portal published a report in which it affirms that the number of citizens who eat from waste is increasing. Every day there are more Venezuelans on the streets looking for something to eat in the trash, even if they have somewhere to live.
"In his hand is held by his tails two opossums or rabipelados, as it is known in Venezuela to this marsupial that has a great resemblance to a rat, but whose meat is consumed in the field for having a flavor It's going to be stored in a wallet that he uses as a bag to put the day's game in. But he's not in the jungle, he's in the middle of a garbage dump in the Portuguese state, "says journalist Aymara Lorenzo. a report published in Infobae.

According to the National Assembly, inflation for March stood at 67%. The impossibility of obtaining food is due to the shortage of food that, according to figures of Consecomercio, was at least 80%, but also because Venezuelans have lower purchasing power every day.
"If you're hungry, and you do not have food in your house, and you do not get anything anywhere, and you get something like an arepa in a bag, you have to eat it," said one of the interviewees.
The number of Venezuelans who perform this practice in search of sustenance is unknown. However, on the streets every day more citizens are trying to feed themselves with the waste of other people.

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