

Ideas hmmmm, how do i explain that everything that has happened and is happening and that will happen in future is based on our ideas. Ever since the existence of humans or evolution into a highly thinking and more sophisticated civilized being has all be based on the idea that we can always do better as humans. Even in the world today it is still occuring but we hardly notice, how you ask, like this i say; Mr A has a better idea than what has been in existence he creates value and gets reward of money through it by so doing he has developed civilization one step further through his ideas.


That Zing! that light bulb that pops up when a wave of idea/ideas hit you it's hard to quantify or explain, only the receiver of the wave understands the true value of what he has just felt but in relating this idea he moves the world around him a step further, how can i define ideas? that was a rhetorical question though and to fully grasp the concept if the definition will be tough then i have this story to explain the concept better.

we started as humans covering ourselves with human skin which was someone's idea to shield himself from cold look where we are today, again we transported ourselves in the olden days by walking then came what we thought was civilization we never knew it was just the beginning then transported ourselves on animal backs before the invention of a car and thereafter we created planes. these are all based on humans having the idea that we can always do better than what we have done in the past.

This is what i believe has been the driving force of the human civilization, and i think we are going low on this, we need to wake up and work harder than we have ever done as the human population rises we need to better develop ourselves. Ideas that word is small but powerful and i want to encourage people out there to work had on their ideas and in the end thier names will be written in the sands of time.

thank you all for reading, have a goodnight rest

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