After Years Of Failure Steemit Allowed Me To Build Something Of My Own

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Eating From The Work Of Your Hands 

When you work so hard at something to finally reap some of the rewards you feel like the weight has been lifted off your shoulders. It's a feeling like no other. This is what I felt the moment I saw the money I earned from Steemit chilling in my account. It has been roughly 4 years of searching, failing, and failing some more. I've been discouraged so many times even by loved ones. Finally after so many detours and falling in the mud I have arrived at the base of the mountain. Now the hard part is actually climbing the mountain. 

When I think about how I approach life, business, or creativity in general I have come to embrace the farmer's mentality. To be honest that approach really meshes with who I am at the core. The farmer's mentality is about putting in the work and having the patience to see your harvest through in spite of the risk that you may fail to eat from the work of your hands. It sounds easy on the surface but here's why this is a difficult mentality to have or develop.  

Why the farmer's mentality is so hard to live by:

  • So many things in life are out of your control
  • It requires tons of diligence 
  • Your harvest (business, job, life, etc.) may bring negative returns
  • You may not see results for a long time so patience is a must

This is what it will take in order to see any endeavor through. I think we can learn so much from Farmers in general. They take nothing or little of something and grow it into something bigger even in the face of uncertainty. But they push on anyway. I have felt the same exact way since being on Steemit and now I can say I have reaped a small portion of a bigger harvest to come. Things are just getting started and I know I will have to continue developing my skills and growing my gifts. 

Nothing is impossible and this is what you need to know as you venture out to take on any new task. Whether it be creating content for Steemit/Dtube, starting a business, or becoming financially free, developing a farmer's mentality will teach you so much along the way. This is a journey of discovery, failure and growth. It is hard but pursuing your purpose is worth more than any amount of discomfort or failure. If you haven't seen the harvest come to past in whatever you are doing, I hope you will be patient and continue pushing forward in the face of uncertainty. Peace to all yall.   

Are you scared of uncertainty?

How do you normally handle discomfort or failure?

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