Be One With The Fire And The Fire Will Be One With You


Stop fighting it! Yes. YOU. You have so much to offer the world. You are talented. You are worth something. You are here on this Earth for a reason and that reason is bigger than waking up everyday just to pay bills. There is something more crucial at stake. Do you remember when you were a kid and you said what you wanted to be when you grew up? Do you remember how excited you were about that? I'm sure we all can relate in one way or another.

                             We Stopped Dreaming

Somewhere between our early childhood and our adult life most of us lost that fire and curiosity. Maybe your parents told you to become something you knew you did not want to become. Maybe you got discouraged from following your curiosities. "You won't make it doing that". "Not many people make money doing that". "That job pays a lot more so you should do that instead". Blah blah blah blah...I've heard it all. Let me tell you this. I was severely discouraged by my mother. She too told me that I would not make money producing music. So guess what? I choked. I backed off to go do something else. I did the exact opposite of what my soul was crying out to do. I know she meant well but not working on my music, which is another creative outlet for me, was probably one of the worst decisions I made in my life. Soon I became burned out from doing something else. But guess what I turned to when I was so depressed and contemplating ending my life? 


It was there all along and I had been ignoring it. Shame on me. What energizes me now is writing/sharing my thoughts about things, helping build God's coming Kingdom, spending time with my family, creating music, investing/entrepreneurship, helping people invest in/learn about cryptocurrency, and coming up with/promoting ideas to help liberate people from this world system. These are the things I live my life around and I do everything I can to protect from being distracted by anything other than these things.

We are enslaved by various things with all but so much time or energy to give to our purposes in life. This is the reality for many people and it hurts me to the core to hear this. That is a major problem and I am livid about this. We all have gifts and abilities to showcase. Every single one of us. I mean just imagine if every last person on the planet followed their energy or what they were fired up about. Just think about that for a second. You think we are advanced now but you have no idea. 


One With The Fire 

Get ready. We are about to take back that which was stolen from us. We are taking back our time. We are taking back our energy. And most of all we are taking back our lives. Live with purpose. Live with fire. Eat fire. Breath fire. Be the fire. Others in this world are depending on you to bring more peace and love with you. Say no to anything that stands in the way of your mission. Your mission may be to provide shoes to people who don't have any. Or it may be to share your creativity with the world as a way to inspire people. It may be helping people with their finances. Whatever your fire is DO THAT. I can tell you first hand that you will be utterly miserable for not following though with the things that you are so excited about. 

Being one with the fire means that your are in sync with the things you really enjoy doing. It means you are actively doing those things that energize you. It means embracing yourself and what makes you unique. Remember this. You don't have to only choose one thing either because you can enjoy working on many different things. You have the green-light to be YOU. 


                   Be one with the fire and the fire will be one with you

People will continue to try to impose upon you what they think you should be doing with your life. Many times it is because they are not doing anything to live out their own purpose. You know exactly what gets you excited and you don't need a commercial to tell you that. You KNOW. I KNOW as well and it's exactly why I'm up at 2:01 AM writing this to you because this is just a part of my purpose. Now I want you to dig deep and find yours and if you already know what you enjoy doing then don't wait any longer to follow through with it. Fire is energy and it is contagious. Once you start living and breathing fire people will take notice and the fire will spread. So be on fire and go share some fire with those who need it. 

Where's your fire? What moves you? Whatever it is, find it, live it, breathe it. 

Images: 1, 2, 3

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