Crypto and Cannabis... A Love Story.

What a crazy and interesting week in Crypto. Ripple didn't quite make the splash I was expecting and ADA came out of nowhere for me. Riding these waves of emotions as I watch the energy flow up and down my interactive charts, reminds me of a boxer trying to find the rhythm of his opponent in order to land the perfect counter-punch. Luckily, I came from the "grey area" of the "legal" cannabis industry. Im quite familiar with new technology, adaptation to new rules and new ways of getting things done, so naturally this excites me. My first love will always belong to my favorite pastime, however, Crypto is my new mistress and she has me hooked. Im so interested in how this will all affect the now federally illegal cannabis industry, where dispensary owner are swimming in liquid cash because the banks won't accept their "dirty money." Could this be the answer to one of the major problems in the legal cannabis space? Will something Dash, Monero, or any of the other major alt-coins every officially enter the industry? Im interested to know what other peoples thoughts are.

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