Maid caught red-handed

Today I was pondering over a very commonly happening issue (especially here in Pakistan)...Why cant we trust our maids? Mostly maids here are caught red handed stealing either their money or food or any other household object! Many times very small objects like soaps go missing as well or for that matter green chilies!download (3).jpg
Now the question is WHY?? They are working and getting paid but still they are not getting enough.
What i concluded from this is that We are responsible for all this. We have converted them into thieves...HOW SO? By keeping all that stuff right in front of them. And since they cannot afford , the only easiest way is to steal.
Therefore what must be done is that whatever food like fruit comes home, the first portion must be separated for servants. Similarly jewelry or other valuable things must be kept really safe out of their sight. If they don't know what you have they wont have the urge to steal. They see things, they like them, they crave for those objects and we intensify the whole situation by keeping it in front of them which thus makes them crave for it even more!download (4).jpg Thus get them out of this misery and be very careful. Its not their fault ....we see beautiful things and we buy them. The only difference in them and us is that they cant buy they just see! this is MISERY!!! Pure one i tell you. images (2).jpg
Next time you catch them stealing any of your stuff, remember its clearly your fault in the first place! They are already needy and by showing them things don't remind them even more of their neediness!images (3).jpg

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