Happy women's day πŸ’

I am a woman,
I am beautiful,
I have feelings,
I have emotions.
I act so much on emotions that sometimes I get hurt but that has to change.
I change my mind so easily and at the same time, I make up my mind as fast.
I make decisions myself.
I always aspire to make myself happy.
I don't depend on anyone but try so much to make so much of myself.
I am lazy and hardworking at the same time, most people call me weird but it's alright cause I intrigue a lot of people.
I am strong and brave,
I am also weak when I am alone and that's good cause no one can bring me down, only myself.
I demand respect cause I give respect.
I expect so much from some certain people cause I give so much.
I want a happy relationship and at the same time I don't want a relationship.
I love way too deeply and I dislike way too deeply.
I forgive way too much and I get hurt a lot more.
I have flaws but I have started to accept those flaws.
I hide my emotions way too much and I open up to real people.
I dread the menstrual cycle and I cry at the pain of all the days I lie on my belly each month.
I detest each night I hardly sleep just because of the fear of stains on the bed.
I hate my insecurity and I am happy I am working on it.
I love how much I be who I am without any care of what people think.
I love how psalm 139 builds my self confidence.
I have more to say but the most important thing is that I am a WOMAN.
The one person who doesn't give up no matter what.
The one person who knows she's not the only one that is this way.
The woman who is on her way to something great and wants to share this with other women, to let them know that they aren't weird or anything.
We are just special.
We are just Women.

Inspires meπŸ’
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