How much more can we accelerate?


Lately, a lot of news about new technologies. Every day in the news we read about the fact that scientists invented another novelty. All transport becomes faster, the technique becomes smarter, all athletes set new records. Well, you understand what it's about. But somehow I thought about the correctness of the path that we chose or who chose it for us, it does not matter. I'm talking about the fact that according to the laws of physics, any acceleration begins to experience high friction with time. We can not abolish friction. It is an immutable thing in our nature. And than the higher the speed of motion, the higher the friction, which eventually becomes destructive for the object. Due to friction, the temperature of the object increases and it begins to overheat. Scientists are trying to solve this problem by changing the form of things, making them more streamlined. But if we think quite globally, then we have chosen a path that eventually can become fatal to us. Acceleration in any case has a limit and there is no sense to follow the path at the end of which we are faced with a dead end or worse, destruction. Read about the singularity. According to forecasts, it should come before 2030. With a high degree of probability we will see this time

The opposite way of development is a slowdown. I like this way of development of mankind more. Look at Buddhist monks and so-called spiritual personalities. It seems that they have learned the truth of things and stopped fussing. Anyone can choose the path of deceleration but as a rule is afraid to do it. Although everyone likes to slow down. How pleasant it is to sit in a quiet, tranquil setting somewhere in the countryside or at home with a mug of tea. At such moments, thoughts in my head come to order. Even in old age when a person becomes wise, he usually leads a quiet lifestyle. That is, we all eventually come to this. So maybe we should not try to overtake time and be faster than anything in the world and just solve existing problems and sit together at one fire and look around to enjoy the beauty of our world?

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