Special forces of heaven

Today I know and confirmed it that there are some heaven agent guiding there people so as not to derail not fall into any kind of trap.

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I was called to come to Ibadan last week Friday and I thank God for the safe trip and the stress free journey, I came to Ibadan with the aim of doing my swep programme.. Meaning I would use up to two and a half (2½)months in the town.

But today surprisingly, that same spot I stopped the day I enter Ibadan at the university of Ibadan UI waiting for my friend in the school to come and pick me up there is a mad man leaving there not knowing he's a kidnapper just dressing and acting exactly as a mad man..... Today he was caught, trying to kidnap or a stuff of another and he was caught, which makes me feel there's a special force of heaven guiding us all time.


Because I've pass through that same spot so many time and so many people like that and never fall victim...


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