Hi guys! i missed u all so much :( , so i'm posting this like literally after 3 whole months!!!

you might be wandering " why? and what were u doing in that 3 months?"  

So Actually i was going through a shit time and shit loads of feelings ! i thought 2018 will be one of my best year ever but the starting was pretty bad . few months ago all of my friends left for Collage in other states and i'm still here feelings bit lonely and isolated , although these are the things everyone has to go through their lives in order to become strong mentally and physically , but really loosing all your friends is pretty sad and not only that , as i have told you that most of the time i do Art , which sends me into whole another Universe , i love doing art so much that i forget / don't want to do other stuff , and that's what i did which made my High-school grades suffer a lot , that also made me really depressed , cause i'm trying to improve in art and it's really hard for me to balance both of the stuff together , but i realised now that Balance in Life is so so Important! without Balance your life will be a roller-coaster with lot's of ups and down which won't be in your controls , and now i'm totally back from all the sadness and depression and now i want to create more and more art for me and you guys! i promise i'll try to be more active here from now on . and there's also something awesome news! Actually this is my last year of high-school :D yipeeee!!! . then i'll be Free Forever from this burden! i don't actually like my education system here because it's so much limited , i would have enjoyed going and studying in school if there were various courses from childhood for everything like Art,Music,Dance etc , everything should be treated important , i mean imagine a day where your are going to school to learn something you love to do a lot! and actually our system does provide services like this but it's after a long time ( When u complete High-School) because they don't realise how much of emotionally unstable a children get's in the age of 16-18 ( don't get me wrong , that's also really important for life ) but sometimes i feel that School is killing our CREATIVITY AND MAKING US INTO MACHINES! SCHOOL IS BECOMING A FACTORY PRODUCING EFFICIENT CHILDREN WHO HAVE A REALLY GOOD MEMORY , Einstein was absolutely right "  Everybody is a Genius. But If You Judge a Fish by Its Ability to Climb a Tree, It Will Live Its Whole Life Believing that It is Stupid "

i'm sorry for this rant guys and i'm also sorry for being so inactive here xD , but now i'm back and i'll try to post here consistently ( except my school exam days ) 

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