Who Do You Blame?


For Years I Have Wondered Why People Generalize and Put All the Rich in One Pot.

Humans love to generalize. It disappoints me when people who think they deserve more attack the people who worked their butts off to get where they are. The people that worked hard to get where they are include a good majority of the rich people you meet.

These Include:

  1. Entrepreneurs
  2. Athletes
  3. Artists
  4. Professionals like Doctors and Lawyers
  5. Family Wealth

The funny thing is that the enemy that they are looking for range from the rich down to the poor. These are the true enemies of the futures people desire. These are people who are leeches on the system. Their greed and laziness makes life more difficult for everyone.

These Include:

  1. Politicians
  2. Companies Who Bribe.
  3. Lawyers Who Litigate People and Business Into Bankruptcy.
  4. People in Government Who Take Bribes.
  5. People Who Can Work but Choose Not to and Rely on the State.
  6. Slum Lords
  7. Students Who Attack the Wrong Groups Based on Lies They Accept as Truth.
  8. People Who Follow What the Media Tells Them.


Now you may wonder why I did not include Crimimals. The reason is that the word is subjective. Who is the criminal? The young man in jail because he sold some marijuana or the Politician and Lawyers who make the laws making marijuana illegal?

As many of you know I am someone who believes in Pareto's Principle. This law of life pertains to every aspect of what we do. No matter what you are told 80 percent will always fail and 20 percent will succeed in any endeavor. Then you can take the top 20 and apply the law once again. I believe that when people can't achieve their desires through honorable means they will attempt to do it through coercion or by hurting others. Pareto's Principle applies here as well. 80 percent of these people can't compete with the top 20 percent. This is where you will find the people that everyone despises.

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