Stop with the Excuses, Resourcefulness is the Ultimate Resource!

When You Have Resourcefulness You Can Overcome Obstacles.

Too many times in life and here on Steemit we hear all kinds of excuses as to why someone is not successful. People love to blame things that are outside of their control instead of relying on their own selves.

Excuses on Steemit.

  1. No One Upvotes Me.
  2. The Platform is Difficult to Use.
  3. People are Flagging Me.
  4. I Don't Have the Time.
  5. I am Not a Good Writer.
  6. I Don't Have Enough Followers.
  7. Steemit Changed the Algorithm.

Every Single Excuse Given Above Can be Overcome. "Some Will, Some Won't , So What!"

When @AnaHilarski and I started our company back in 2012 we started with practically nothing. My business partnership had recently crumbled, my blogging clients closed shop and my income disappeared entirely.

What do we do? I was not willing to move back to the USA with my tail between my legs. I had something that I could build our business around. It was my recently purchased laptop. So I got to work contacting everyone I knew in the Gold and Silver business and asked them if they needed help with social media. After just a few calls my friend Peter Spina of GoldSeek said he needed us and we began immediately. Within weeks we had a handful of smaller clients that replaced most of my former income.

The key to our success was being resourceful. We dialed down our lifestyle, invested in computers, marketing tools and began building a strong social media presence. The best part was that social media was free to use but the passion was the cost. Good thing we had a ton of passion! I learned to build Wordpress websites, the basics of SEO and made connections across the world.

When I Hear People Complain Here on Steemit I Laugh.

Today @AnaHilarski and I have built a great life for ourselves but if I had a precious gift like Steemit given to me ,for free, four years ago I would be crushing it on here. People say to me, "Randy you are so active on Steemit". It is nothing compared to my activity online four years ago. I would literally write blog posts, spend hours on social media and still find time to run online ads for clients.

Today I spend most of my time managing client accounts, trading crypto and maybe 1-2 hours on Steemit. If I had Steemit four years ago I would be spending 12-14 hours a day producing 5-6 blog posts, videos , images and sharing them across social media. So many people on here have no idea how good they have it. Try writing amazing content for nothing more than some recognition from peers online and a few people who find your content in Google Search. Compared to what we have now on Steemit that had a horrible ROI.

Keep Your Chin Up and Get to Work.

If you are new to Steemit, learn the ropes. Better to be silent about the politics of the platform than to jump headfirst into the issues we are having. Here are what I feel are the keys to success on Steemit.

A. Engage with other users.
B. Produce content daily. This can be blog posts, videos or images.
C. Don't complain unless you have earned your stripes. I have told more than one complainer to quit if they don't like it.
D. Don't spam in anyway whether it is in comments, in the wallet or in Steemit Chat.
E. Be here even when the Steemit price suffers.
F. Never plagiarize.
G. Don't be a Jerk!
H. Have fun, we are changing the online world.

Don't Be Like This Guy.

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