Morning Motivation Memes for a Tough Week.

How I Recover from a Tough Week.

This has been the worst week financially for us in over five years. The funny thing is that although we lost some I am not worried one bit. I must be married to the best woman ever. She has been so supportive this week. I was expecting to have pots and pans to be thrown at my head, just kidding ; ). @AnaHilarski understands that we are learning every day and pullbacks are a natural part of life.

I also lost my Grandfather this week. He was a special person in my life.

No matter what happens in life we need to get up and regroup. For us that means doubling down. Today we have three business meetings in Panama City. Those meetings alone could be worth more than all the losses combined. The keys is that we don't wallow in pity. We just 10X our work!

Mistakes are Part of Life.

If you are not making mistakes then you are not challenging yourself. I have never seen any successful peers that have had a direct line to success. The image below is the best I have ever scene that truly tells you what the road to success looks like.

So get your shit together and get to work. If it means turning off the tv or giving up one of your favorite pass times then you need to do it. If not I wish you the worst possible guilt the next time hard times come along. If you are trying your best then you will never feel guilty when you have hard times. You know deep down that you are working your ass off.

Did you know that I was a hardcore gamer from the age of Atari through XBox? I retired from gaming in 2005 and have not picked up a joystick in 12 years. It was the hardest thing I have ever had to do.

Make Your Own Joy and Happiness.

I used to struggle with this like most people. Each day I would blame a good day or bad day on other peoples actions. Then one day I read this book called, "The Secret". Even though I thought the book was a little crazy I have found that the teachings are so valuable. It is up to us to tell the universe how our day or life is going to go. Our happiness is our responsibility and ours alone. So I wake up each day and stay as positive as I can.

I am not saying that I am perfect but I am much better than when I was as a young man. People must of thought I was a miserable fuck. Oh wait, I was! Now I surround myself with people who are also positive about life and the future. Life has been so much better!

Have an amazing 2017 Everyone. Check Us Out 200 Social

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